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Saturday, July 30, 2011


     Hi have you experienced growth in your total dependence upon the Lord?  Though we are often so hard on ourselves and perhaps weighed down with undue guilt, our hearts should rejoice to see the Spirit taking up residence in our attitudes and practices.  Worship with this in mind today.

Matt. 7:14  "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."
God's way of salvation is remarkably simple, but it is not easy.  Nothing we can give or give up can earn us entrance into the kingdom.  But if we long to hold on to forbidden things, it can keep us out of the kingdom.

Even though we can pay nothing for salvation, coming to Jesus Christ costs us everything we have.  Jesus says, "Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14:27).
The person who says yes to Christ must say no to the things of the world, because to be in Christ is to rely on His power rather than our own and to be willing to forsake our own way for His.  It can cost persecution, ridicule, and tribulation.

When we identify ourselves with Jesus Christ, we declare war on the devil, and he declares war on us.  The one whom we formerly served now becomes our great enemy, and the ideas and ways we once held dear now become our great temptations and pitfalls.

Along with warnings of suffering, the Lord also gives permission that our hearts will rejoice (John 16:22) and that we are to take courage because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) He promises to enable us to prevail over those times of suffering, not to escape them.

more to come...
 Feel free to ask any questions you might have. Also, be sure to look up the verses!
Grandma Pearla's Devotions.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Hi everyone....what are some of the greatest lies that lead the mildly religious into believing they have accepted Christ into their hearts?  In what ways do our churches today accommodate these?  How can we work against this devious scheme of the enemy?

Matt. 7:13-14  "Enter through the narrow gate....that leads to life, and there are few who find it."
"Many" and "few" describe two groups of people. Those who enter through the wide gate and travel the broad way, toward destination of destruction, are many.  They include pagans and nominal Christians, atheists and religionists, theists and humanists, Jews and Gentiles-every person from every age, background, persuasion, and circumstances who has not come to saving obedience in Jesus Christ.

In the day of judgment many will claim to be followers of Christ.  "Many will say to Me that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?  And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness'" (Matt 7:22-23).  Those who are excluded will not be just atheists or rank pagans, but nominal Christians who professed to know and trust Christ but who refused to come to Him on His terms.

The group that goes through the narrow gate and travels the narrow way and is destined for life are few in number.  Jesus said, "Many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt. 22:14).
Make sure you are numbered with the few and not with those who will receive Jesus' shocking declarations at the day of judgment.

more to come...

Have a restful weekend and a good worship.
Grandma Pearla's Devotions.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hi everyone....celebrate today the eternal life promised to those who embrace the call of the narrow gate and the narrow way.  Be grateful that none of the carry-ons and extras will ever give us the satisfaction we hope to find in them, but that in the wake of their emptiness we will be drawn ever deeper into the One whose way is both single and secure.


Matt. 7:13-14  "Enter through the narrow gate.....that leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Both the broad and narrow ways point to the good life, to salvation, heaven, God, the kingdom, and blessing-but only the narrow way actually leads there.  The broad way doesn't have a road sign on it with hell as the destination.  Jesus' point is that this way is marked "heaven" but it doesn't lead there.That is the great lie of all false religion.  The Lord makes clear the ultimate destinations of these two ways: the broad way leads to destruction; the narrow way leads to life.  Every religion except Christianity follows the same spiritual way and leads to the same spiritual end, to hell.

There are many of those roads, and most of them are attractive, appealing, and crowded with travelers.  But not a single one leads where it promises, and not a single one fails to lead where Jesus says it leads-to destruction, to total ruin and loss.  It is a complete loss of well-being and the destination of all religions except the way of Jesus Christ.

But God's way-the way that is narrow-leads to eternal life, to everlasting heavenly fellowship with God, His angels, and His people.  Everlasting life is quality of life, which is the life of God in the soul of man (see Ps. 17:15).

more to come...
 Grandma Pearla's Devotions.