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Monday, March 23, 2015

The Priority of Prayer

Read | Luke 5:15-16

"However, the report went around concerning Him all the more; and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by Him of their infirmities.
So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed."
Have you ever forgone your daily prayer time, thinking, I am just too busy to pray today?Whenever we surrender quiet time for something else, we are making a statement about our priorities. It is a not-so-subtle way of saying, “Jesus, my calendar is more important to me than You are today. I’ll have to catch up with You later.”
We all do this on occasion, don’t we? Skipping prayer now and then is all too easy because, since we know the Lord is always there, we figure we can make up the time later. It’s as though we have taken God’s eternal, indwelling presence for granted with the thought, The Lord will still be here tomorrow, but I've got to get this done today!
What we fail to realize is that our quiet time with God is what empowers us to face the challenges of the day. Therefore, the busier our day, the more time we should spend in prayer preparing for it!
The Bible clearly shows that Jesus Himself protected His private time with the Father. I cannot imagine any person having more on his mind, having more things to do, or being in greater demand than Jesus. And yet the times when He was busiest are the times we see Him pulling away from the crowds in order to pray.
Is prayer the first thing you cut from your daily agenda when the schedule fills up? Protect that time every day at all costs. Remember, Jesus is God; if He considered prayer necessary to prepare for His busiest days, then it is an absolute essential for the rest of us!
Will a car run without gasoline?  Will the grass grow without water?  Can we fight the good fight without a weapon?  But this is what we do when we neglect to pray.  Prayer is is a time to harness God’s supply of strength to give us victory over everything we have to do for the day.  If we are too busy to do so, it is stepping back instead of forward, losing instead of gaining.  Ephesians 6:10-20 is a perfect prayer for times when we don’t know what to pray for.
Is prayer a priority in your life and why?

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